It's no surprise that the #VoiceTop12 was one of the biggest trending hashtags last night. The latest episode of the show brought out some of the best in some of the contestants but left others in the wake. As usual, the trend began a few hours before the show aired but Tweet rates didn't hit their peaks until during the show.
There was quite a huge spike right at the end of the show when people logged in to their social media accounts to discuss what they felt. The ending apparently did not disappoint as fans Tweeted on and on about who their favorite singer was or who they thought was going home. The #VoiceTop12 brought out some other interesting hashtags related to their favorite team so far.
Excited and eager for the #VoiceResults, people attempted to figure out who would be going home this week and made their followers aware of who they voted for themselves.
Social media really does help spread awareness of these sorts of shorts. With The Voice's social media accounts directly chatting with viewers and helping them decide who they would vote for, it is almost as though the #VoiceTop12 is integrated with the internet. Not only do fans get to watch live, but they can also go back and listen more intently to their favorite singers to identify mistakes or mishaps.
Stay tuned, after the #VoiceTop12's contestant performances come the #VoiceResults tonight. Of course, if you can't watch it live or miss something important, the hashtag is bound to reach one of the top trends of the night as the show moves past the #VoiceTop12 into the top 10. Watch for the related hashtags?so you can?follow along on Twitter and other social media sites and share what you think about this season's #VoiceTop12.
Definition: /definition/voicetop12
Featured Graphic: From Creative Commons Attribution 3.0.