With a constant collage of questions and a minimal amount of answers, #PLL does what other shows need to follow. The fan base has grown across social media thanks to the advertising in the show done by the network. The writers know exactly how to entice the viewers week after week with more suspenseful situations. Social media directly displays this as people respond not only with the hashtags supplied by the network, but also with some unique related hashtags. The chart below shows a good variety of hashtags related to #PLL. While some are "official" ones prescribed by the network, fan bases also make up their own.
Courtesy of Hashtag Analytics
Some of the more popular hashtags are those that involve making predictions about what will happen next. Because of the suspenseful nature of the show, many people like to take a shot at what crazy occurrence might take place next. With all these different hashtags that all describe #PLL, the Tweet rate was remarkable during the time of the show.
Courtesy of Hashtag Analytics
There were a couple different showings of the episode based on regions of the United States. Those in the Central and Eastern area were able to watch it first followed by those in the Mountain and West Coast areas. This would explain why the majority of the hashtag's use wasn't only during one hour. Of course, even after the show ended, more Tweets using #PLL continued to trickle in.
With plenty of unique events in every episode, #PLL has spawned a variety of different hashtags. However, #PLL appears to be the main hashtag used when discussing such events due to its simplicity and generalization of the show. Every week brings out a handful of new hashtags that give fans an easy way to share their feelings on a particular scene. Fortunately for fans, this trend does not seem to be going away any time soon.