It seems like it was only last?month that the?United States?entered national panic mode as the?Swine Flu (H1N1) and the Bird Flu (aka Avian Flu)?seemed to?run rampant across the?country's most populated cities.?Left and right people claimed to have the virus after displaying a few common symptoms which sparked a huge vaccination program. Now,?Ebola is the latest?trend in viral epidemics.?Within a few hours on the evening of?September 30th,?over 150,000 new?updates involving #Ebola had been posted.??After a few news reports, there were immediately several?new #Ebola related topics being passed out.
New trends being posted in regards to?the #Ebola news is seen?in the chart below. Of course, President Obama immediately went to discussions about the prevalence of this breakout.?With this breaking news,?many news reports?and updates?were coming out every?hour with the latest?reported case or?to release some informative advice for those uneducated about?how contagious the virus is. There were also?many?hashtags related to where?cases had been?reported such as #Dallas #Texas as well as the apparent?original source, #Africa.
According to?, Ebola is "An infectious and generally fatal disease marked by fever and severe internal bleeding, spread through contact with infected body fluids by a filovirus ( Ebola virus), whose normal host species is unknown." Doctors and virus-fighting organizations wanted to emphasis that the situation?can be contained if people don't spend too much time?thinking irrationally. #EbolaQandA started trending as people wanted to stay informed so as not to worry as much as they had during the recent spreading of different forms of Influenza.?The?Center for Disease Control (#CDC) as well as popular?experts in the social world posted several of their own QandA's about the situation:

A?steady flow of #Ebola?tweets continued through?until today when some cases were officially confirmed?by the?#CDC. This report?was followed by panic?and uncertainty,?probably because some of the symptoms are?common to?many other common diseases. Don't expect this issue to go away any time soon.?Certainly expect to see another spike in #Ebola tweets as more news is released about prevention, detection, and all things related to the virus.