
How To Build Trust On Social Media

November 6, 2013
Trust by yewenyi, on Flickr Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.0 Generic License??by??yewenyi?
As social media continues to dominate the lives of people in different parts of the globe, companies are looking for ways to establish rapport and build long term relationships with clients. Since there are thousands of other companies that also offer products and support, you have to find ways to be unique and stand out. Learn the proper steps on how to solidify your reputation in the industry and be regarded as an expert or reliable source worth following.

The Formula

Many social media experts conclude that the two most vital elements to build trust on social media is influence and reputation. Influence is described as the reach and empowerment that posts and social media activities can cause social media users to respond. Reputation is described as how other people on social media platforms perceive you and your statements. An online marketer who can establish both influence and reputation is more likely to have successful hashtag campaigns.

Other Important Traits

1. Support

An effective social media marketer who easily creates rapport with clients and followers is one who can respond to the queries and concerns of the target audience. Always be available or respond promptly to give the idea of being reliable. Spend time tagging, mentioning or thanking people. Also use direct messages or email to use a more personal approach when dealing with followers.

2. Factual

People tend to trust social media users who provide statements based on actual facts and research and not those who merely share their biased opinions. Provide links to articles, blogs and research when posting to strengthen your claims or statements. Also have an authoritative tone at times to give the impression that you strongly stand by your statements. You should learn how to apply principles and compare these with your own research to produce good quality content that cannot be found elsewhere. Some companies did not fare well and instead received negative comments such as McDonald?s and its failed hashtag #McDStories.

3. Personalized

Connect with other social media users on a personal level. Share pictures of yourself doing casual things. Talk about current and vital issues around the world or in your locality. Give the impression that they?re talking to a live human being and not a product endorser who seem to be only interested in selling them items. Share your experiences and provide insights based on the needs and requests of the target customers. Domino?s Pizza?s hashtag #letsdolunch became a big success by getting original ideas straight from consumers.

4. Connections

Many social media users will also determine who you are connected with or the organizations that you are part of. If you are related to key individuals on social media or have strong ties with relevant leaders in the network, you have a bigger chance of easily getting the trust of others online. Communicate with these experts and exchange ideas and articles. Provide links to their pages and blogs as you share related content. Time is also an important factor in building trust. Some people will establish their reputation and reliability after consistent use of social media for several months. Sometimes, there are quick ways to gain trust such as starting successful hashtags and social media contests.

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