When marketing a product, event or business on Twitter, it is vital to do an evaluation to determine the success of the campaign.
Hashtags are one of the tools that you can use in social media networks, providing quick information to the target market as well as creating an avenue where relevant clients and partners can discuss issues and topics that relate well with your business or industry.
Not all hashtags will render a positive response from users. You can also make use of analytic tools to determine how well you?re doing with the hashtags you create or which areas should still be improved.
Starting Out
Begin by using a hashtag then wait a few days to determine how well the public responds to it. Positive and negative responses can be acquired from the use of these. Some of the successful hashtags will indicate that you have followed the guidelines properly, using catchy and specific keywords and including the right elements that will make it stand out among others.
The hashtag should also be easy to find via search engine or when social media users interact with others. Observe some of the best hashtags then determine how you can also improve your own by using specific keywords. Do not use very long hashtags or too many words. When tweeting, use only 2 to 3 hashtags at most to avoid confusing online users.
The hashtag analytics tool will give you specific information about the hashtag. Some of the information that you can get via a hashtag analytics tool include the total tweets generated in 24 hours, 1 week, 1 month or 1 year. You can also get information on the total impressions made by the hashtag. You will identify the most relevant users and social media leaders who can further grow the business.
Let's see the recently popular hashtag in the US

Build relationships with these key individuals so that they can easily spread the news about your offerings and the industry. You can turn your most loyal followers into brand evangelists.
The analytics tool will also show you some of the comments and posts regarding your business and offerings. You will also discover other related hashtags that can be used to share information and to guarantee the success of future campaigns.
Acting on the Analysis
Depending on the turnout of the hashtag campaign, you can make some adjustments to improve the way you make hashtags.
If the tweets generated are quickly growing within 24 hours, it means that you have chosen the right attractive keywords to bring in relevant social media users. If the start is rather slow but the trend eventually gains momentum, you might need to pick better terms for people to immediately understand what the hashtag is all about.
Because of the gradual rise or popularity of the hashtag, you may be monitoring the conversations properly and use quality content to keep users interested.
Future campaigns should be adjusted depending on the comments and total impressions made. For the hashtag #ICanAdmit, for instance, here are some of the comments by users.

If the tweets generated and impressions made are good, you simply need to use the same strategies when formulating future hashtags. Stay updated with the latest news and events then share these. Provide good quality content, links, videos and pictures. Also mention and tag individuals in the conversations and bring in the most influential users who can improve its popularity.
A Successful Hashtag
The hashtag
#samsung has been a popular one in social media networks since the company continues to introduce state-of-the-art gadgets and stays abreast with the latest developments in the industry.
The hashtag started out with about 300 to 450 tweets per hour during the first 3 hours. The tweets peaked at the fourth hour with over 500 tweets per hour. The tweets started to average only between 150 and 300 in the next several hours. It even peaked as high as 27,000 tweets.

The most prolific users of the company are tech-savvy individuals and tech publishers and writers who are constantly followed by others online. They can write great reviews about new products which is why Samsung is very active in giving favors and mentioning these key people.
The company is also monitoring customer feedback and responses. They create new designs and introduce features based on what users are saying from previous conversations. Hashtags are created regularly to talk about specific products. They can then get accurate and specific data about their products to make the needed changes.
Samsung is also using other hashtags to draw more experts in the field and expand their network. They use these hashtags and provide links for future campaigns. Examples of hashtags related to #samsung include #innovation, #galaxy, #apple and #microsoft. These hashtags can be used to make comparisons between models and products.