It's no surprise that this social media was filled with #Christmas posts all day yesterday. For several weeks already, #Christmas has made its way to one of the most trending hashtags. This excitement across the United States directly reflects the festive cheer displayed on social media. The hashtag has been around for quite awhile, but the tremendous surge right on #Christmas Day showed how much the excitement has been building up. The hashtag actually sparked up early on #ChristmasEve as that is also a common time for people to celebrate #Christmas with their families.
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This hashtag kept enormous Tweet rates through its lifespan. With an average peak of about 14,000 Tweets per hour during the last two weeks, that alone makes it one of the most popular hashtags this year. That rate of Tweets more than doubled during the actual #Christmas Day, reaching rates of more than 38,000 Tweets per hour.
Of course, this hashtag has been fueled non-stop by hundreds of thousands of people across Twitter and social media. Each of these people were more than happy to share what they were doing to celebrate #Christmas. Photos of friends and family, popular dinner recipes, and various gifts that were distributed were shared with followers and friends.
Just for the purpose of the holiday, everything else going on in the world seemed to stop. Most of the hashtags were about #Christmas without much variation. In fact, there were plenty of other hashtags used but in very insignificant amounts, and were mostly associated with #Christmas.
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Although there were plenty of related hashtags, there weren't many that reached very widespread usages. Instead, people seemed to drop most other hashtags and just use the most relevant one so they could share their celebration with others.