Best friends, girl friends, and inspiring women all made the list for this week's rendition of Woman Crush Wednesday (also known as #wcw). As with every Wednesday, it is no shock that #wcw is one of the most trending hashtags on social media yet again. One of the most stable Twitter traditions, #wcw is all about celebrating the women in our lives and showing them off to the world. Whether that be mothers, sisters, daughters, best friends, girl friends, inspiring celebrities, or even a favorite athlete, #wcw will always be a favored way for friends to thank these people.
The trend arose rather early this week originating around 7PM (Central Standard Time) on Tuesday night because people just got too anxious to share their version of #wcw this week. The shape of the graph is typically pretty constant from week to week, but this time it didn't quite reach a noticeable peak. Instead, the rate of Tweets per hour remained pretty steady throughout the entire morning well into the evening.
Toasts were made by many men and women across social media to honor their best friends. Some also thought of their mother as one of those very important women they have in their life.
There were also scores of gentlemen out there showing off their girl friends to their friends and followers.
We certainly can't forget the numerous Tweets about celebrity inspirations including famous musicians and movie stars.
Well, not only women made?it as?the #wcw, but also some favorite accessories.
It seems #wcw is the Valentine's Day of the week. It is only fitting that individuals reflect on these significant people in their lives as they reach the second half of the week. Some could argue that perhaps they couldn't bear to work as hard as they do without their #wcw. The tradition continues to grow strong as people return the favor of being labeled an important figure in one's life.
See definition: /definition/wcw/
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