Wrestling fans got quite a show last night with a few surprise appearances to stir things up. As the night went on, the trend grew as usual with WWE #RAW. With Jon Stewart coming in to rile up the audience, people at home felt the excitement grow and took to social media to discuss the events as they unfolded. With new announcements and ferocious rivalries developing, #RAW captivated the audience from the beginning all the way to the end. As seen in the graph below, there wasn't really a moment with a significantly higher Tweet rate, suggesting there was plenty going on in the show.
Courtesy of Hashtag Analytics
With such a long running show, it's no surprise to see this big of a turn out from fans on the internet. With consistently packed arenas and plenty of viewers on television, #RAW has developed a large fan base over the years. Of course, with a surprise speaker like Jon Stewart, fans didn't know what to expect. Fans using the hashtag had only good things to say about his performance.
Courtesy of Hashtag Analytics
Stewart did such a good job that he even had a hashtag named after him. Some other hashtags served as a tribute to some of the females in the program to the spotlight. It isn't very often that they get a whole match to fight, but last night the program was set up to allow for it which created another big hashtag.
Like most television programs, the Tweets rolled out as events unfolded. People didn't want to miss a single moment that was discussed online. From Jon Stewart's introductions to some examples set by Triple H and even all the way to the Divas getting their own match, #RAW featured a little bit of everything for all of its fans.