In an effort to revive people?s interest in the food chain, McDonald?s recently introduced a new series of outfits for the iconic Ronald McDonald. The decision came after sales was noticeably weak. The company decided to return to its roots and bring the focus back to the classic features of the franchise such as Ronald McDonald and popular menu items like fries and the Big Mac.
The hashtag
#RonaldMcDonald was created for the classic clown to feature the new changes and get people?s impressions from around the world. The famous character will not have his own account made but fans can see pictures and videos of him in many of McDonald?s official accounts on different social media platforms.
The fresh wardrobe was especially made by Ann Hould-Ward, a famous Broadway designer.
Some of the new changes include Ronald wearing a yellow vest over his long-sleeved red and white striped shirt. For special occasions, the clown will be wearing a blazer and bow-tie combo. The back of the red blazer features his signature logo. For sports events, he has a red sports coat on together with cropped pants. According to the company, the big red shoes will stay on because it is one of his most distinguishing features.
The clown was captioned saying, ?Selfies? here I come! It?s a big world and now, wherever I go and whatever I do? I?m ready to show how fun can make great things happen.?
Here's how the Internet responded to the campaign. We expect greater numbers as more people worldwide know about the change.
By captivating audiences in various social media networks, the hashtag #RonaldMcDonald can become a successful campaign that will remind people of the fun and enjoyable times inside their stores. The classic tastes should also encourage people to revisit branches everywhere and rekindle their love for the food chain. Evolving with the current times is key for McDonald?s to drive customers back and regain their status as the No. 1 fast food chain in the world.
Here are videos of his transformation.