From January to December and everything in between, the world has seen some pretty amazing and crazy events occur throughout the year. Fortunately for social media, all of these events were captured in Tweets using these hashtags for easy reference. Each of the trending hashtags this year practically spell out an important timeline from the year. Thankfully, Twitter users are incorporating #BestMemoriesOf2014 with Tweets of these eventful moments in 2014. As the clock ticked down, the Tweet rate steadily rose. Although it wasn't the biggest trending hashtag of the year, it certainly brought back memories of some. From sports news to politics, religious traditions to shopping, all sorts of memories were shared by everyone around the world.
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There were plenty of other hashtags related to #BestMemoriesOf2014. Of course, many people around the world share the same calendar year as the United States so there were other New Year wishes Tweeted about in other languages. Because of the versatility of social media, there were also many fan bases that started their own related hashtag to celebrate favorite memories of a certain category such as a band or location.
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Still, while this hashtag was a big trend, the year was not over. People had plenty of things they needed to do and old resolutions to fulfill. However, they were more than ready to bring in the new year and participate in celebrating the end of the current one.
Certainly everybody had seen this hashtag and wanted to share their favorite moments with their friends and followers. Celebrities even took part in celebrating their favorite moments with fans or big new releases they had. There were all sorts of topics discussed as people reminisced about their #BestMemoriesOf2014. Stay tuned for another great year across social media!