The hashtag
#MansionParty started after a teenage boy from Brampton, Ontario was allowed by his mom to invite some friends over. The hashtag was created by a number of invited guests after the teenager started inviting some close friends and neighbors, saying that he was preparing a ?small party?.
On the night of May 2, 2014, however, police had to return to the scene after 2,000 people began to flood the plush home. Earlier, the police also visited the place to warn the boy?s mother that their place was promoted on Twitter as a party destination that Friday night.
The house was full of strangers just hours after the party commenced, causing around $70,000 of damage. Outside the house, there were hundreds of cars parked and more lined up. A tour bus was also rented with crowds flowing out to join the ?monster mansion party?.
The hashtag #MansionParty was trending well on Twitter and Instagram as people kept uploading pictures of the party. Teenagers and even adults filled the upper levels of the huge mansion while others stayed outdoors.
The police came after neighbors called to complain about the noise. According to Const. Thomas Ruttan, ?There was a potential, a real potential for something to happen, something deadly.? Several?teenagers were also arrested for drinking and breaking items.
The teenage owner meant well by inviting close friends over but he did not expect that the hashtag would drive thousands of people to his home.
The large home was a factor in allowing such a huge number to be accommodated, thereby triggering more people to share the photos in social media sites and encouraging gatecrashers to join. There were also videos of the #MansionParty, featuring minors drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes. The police halted the activities before further damage could be done.