Every once in awhile, an "always-trending" hashtag will suddenly shoot up in popularity. This is often because of marketing campaigns or a unique usage of the hashtag across social media. In the case of "#Giveaway", the Christmas Season's traditional "Season of Giving" title has carried it to popularity not seen in the last couple months. As seen in the graph below, #Giveaway has been a commonly trending hashtag. However, as soon as December started, there is a noticeable surge in its usage. This could be due to advertisers in marketing campaigns or social media users using it out of kindness. No matter the case, #Giveaway has reached new heights.
The graph indicates a pretty routine trend. There is a general increase in number of Tweets per day and then a dramatic fall. By?the end of November, there has already been a noticeable difference mainly in the total number of Tweets per day which reach a record of almost 130,000.?As a consistently used Tweet, this sort of trend doesn't typically happen.
Both advertisers and typical social media users aid in the increase of the #Giveaway trend. The present tense of "aid" is purposely used because it appears the trend might actually grow as the season continues.
With the scores of Twitter users?posting #Giveaway Tweets, it's almost as if the shopping weekend transitioned into an entire?#Giveaway month.?There is a high possibility, given the charitable records of social media, that this hashtag will last that long. However, that doesn't mean the use of the #Giveaway hashtag will, although it certainly appears it can. There were some other related hashtags that were found with #Giveaway but didn't achieve as big of a status as the latter.
As the season progresses, there will most likely be more advertising use of popular hashtags. There are already plenty of rising hashtags related to the Christmas season that just haven't reached very significant heights yet. These can be seen on the front page of www.Hashtags.org?using the many analytical tools.