After a dramatic crash landing of his small aircraft onto a golf course yesterday, #HarrisonFord generated quite a bit of concern. Immediately it was reported that he survived but had been injured. Just how badly and any further updates were unclear as the general news spread. His fans across the internet quickly took to expressing their concerns for their beloved actor as the news came out. Fortunately for them, he survived but with unclear damage. The hashtag exploded pretty quickly at first but the Tweet rate dwindled as the night went on and people had a little relief hearing that he would be ok. Still, the incident was drastic enough to spark significant worry.
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Much of the concern revolved around his professional career. People across social media discussed his many popular movie roles and productions and seemed to worry that there wouldn't be any more to add to that collection. This is where all of these related hashtags came from.
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Popular ironic quotes from him were among the more popular expressions as it was deemed safe to say he was going to be ok and add a little humor to the situation. Still, with big productions still on the way, fans expressed a bit of concern over the crash's effects on his future.
From memes to memories, #HarrisonFord held the spotlight for the day. Until further notice, people seem to be continuing a light hearted, hopeful tone to his recovery believing he will be strong enough to overcome the situation. As further news does unfold, fans are awaiting his statements to make sure first hand that he is going to be alright. Having a few accidents many years ago, many remain hopeful that he will get through this one just as he has done in the past.