Social media was occupied yesterday by tens of thousands of fans of the Divergent series. After the release of the movie for the original book in the series "Divergent", fans are patiently waiting for the movie representing the second novel to make its way to theaters. The second part in the series entitled "Insurgent" is set to release soon this year. However, fans can't seem to wait patiently forever. To test out the new fan base, the producers' Twitter account decided to play a little game with fans across social media. In order to unlock a new trailer, the hashtag #MoreFOUR would need to reach a certain number of uses. This showed social media just how many Divergent fans were active on Twitter.
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The trend actually didn't explode too fast. This could be due to people catching on later in the day as the hashtag was released pretty early on. Still, it averaged just under 20,000 Tweets per hour for the duration of the whole day. There were also a few related hashtags that pertained to the Divergent universe which threw off the numbers a bit too.
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After this trailer was released, Divergent puns ran amuck. People grew quite excited over the new clips of the Insurgent movie. The official Twitter account for the movie seemed more than happy to release the new trailer for fans to see.
Throughout the day though, everyone who contributed encouraged their friends and followers to use the #MoreFOUR hashtag so they could get that trailer unlocked. Fans used the lingo found in the stories to further their cause. Once it was unlocked, social media was flooded with the related hashtags that included the actors, the movie titles, and somehow #FandomFriday even though it was only Tuesday. Still, this proves that these dedicated fans will do whatever it takes to get their hands on some new footage of the new movie.