After only just under 3 years since its introduction, #Scandal has captivated its audience and gathered quite a following on social media. Every Thursday, there are a few hashtags that ring in the next episode. At the same time all around the country, hundreds of thousands of people tune in to the same station yet only a few tens of thousands will share their feelings about the show. Perhaps too many are shocked at what just unfolded but this could also be due to the related hashtags. The chart below shows a few hashtags that directly relate to the newest episode while there are still a few strung in just for some shots at extra followers and retweets.
Courtesy of Hashtag Analytics
With some hashtags being related to various aspects of the show, the number of people using #Scandal was somewhat scattered. Still, it gathered quite a few uses during the duration of the show. However, thanks to the many other television events going on, the attention quickly shifted after the end of the episode. While none climbed quite as high as #Scandal, they still made a decent impact across social media with hashtags of their own.
Courtesy of Hashtag Analytics
There was plenty to say about the show, especially since fans were kept on the edge of their seats the entire time. The numerous hashtags indicate the many twisted plot events that encouraged talk and conversation about the suspenseful moments.
With plenty of time remaining in the season, fans were left this week with more to talk about and even more to look forward to. Unfortunately for them, they have to wait a whole week before they get any more #Scandal. For now, they can be happy with what they were given this week.