US vice president Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) gets a bashing from netizens for using the word 'literally' too many times in his latest major speech, sending the hashtag #literally soaring among trending topics in the micro-blogging site.
During the 2012 Democratic National Convention, the edgy politician used the word ten times (some say nine). Due to its popularity (or infamy), some democrats with Twitter accounts #literally used 'literally' as a social media tool.
The trend-turned Presidential campaign immediately spread throughout Twitter, with an advertisement riding on the popular word. According to The Washington Post, online users launching a search on the platform actually result to tweets pushed by @BarackObama.
The responses to the scheme were mixed. Online critics say it can be a good preventive tool, since the vice president has been?attacked many times for using 'literally' too many times regardless of the venue. ?Apparently, it's Biden's favorite speech enhancer. Another word Biden is known to particularly prefer is 'folks,' although no hashtag both trending and referring to the politician has emerged as of this writing.
During the #DNC2012, Biden used the term several times, including twice in a single sentence. The incorrect use of the terms, and too many times at that, garnered various mockeries throughout the Internet. On the flip side, however, the amount of attention it got for the Democratic party may have been a good thing, after all.
Joe Biden #Literally Trending on the Analytics Service
He said in Charlotte, ?In the first days, literally the first days that we took office, General Motors and Chrysler were literally on the verge of liquidation.? More statements further included the term, raising a lot of criticism and funny responses.
The hashtag #literally trended so well on Twitter during the DNC2012 events , leading the Obama campaign to use it further by putting up an ad that features the word; that is, officially adopting it -- literally. Several online users followed suit by tweeting various statements and jokes using the word repeatedly. Of course, the word having a general meaning, Biden's speech was not its sole reference.
Some weren?t so amused with the way Biden gives statements and gave their comments on a more serious note. Many found the speech 'painful,' 'funny' and 'useless.' Others shared liking the vision and previous works of the democratic leaders and indicated how mere errors in grammar and language would not equate to their capacity as world leaders.