
#ISupportStaceyDash Defends "Clueless" Star From Twit Attacks

October 9, 2012
from imdb.com
?Clueless? actress Stacey Dash (@REALStaceyDash) saw a barrage of support from netizens through #ISupportStaceyDash after announcing her choice for the 2012 US presidential election. As the US presidential elections draws nearer, supporters from both sides are exhibiting a lot of anticipation and also anger especially to sensitive comments posted online. Actress Stacey Dash experienced a lot of heat when she tweeted and endorsed Republican candidate Mitt Romney (@MittRomney). Supporters of the Democratic party did not like it one bit, with some even criticizing her loyalty to the Black community. Dash is popular for being on the 1990s film hit ?Clueless? and the TV show ?CSI?. Her Twitter account was immediately filled with angry tweets from Obama supporters. Dash initially tweeted: The message came with a number of hashtags related to Mitt Romney as well as a picture of Dash beside the US flag. The hashtag #ISupportStaceyDash was made after several negative responses were made on Dash?s account on Twitter. Some individuals who supported the actress' decision indicated how she?s using her brain, instead of her skin color to vote for the person she believes will be best for America?s future. While others were quick to show appreciation for the actress in practicing her First Amendment rights, there were also others who voiced their disgust and rage. Dash even retweeted a post by Romney: As the elections is driven by two sides, naturally, those who are rooting for the incumbent president to get on his second term had bad things to say about the actress' tweet.

Other Twitter users had kinder words to say to the actress and her views on the upcoming US presidential elections.

Here's a look at the Twitter activity on #ISupportStacey and related hashtags used with it. What is your take on this matter? Tell us in the comments!  

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