Mitt Romney, the Republican Party candidate to the 2012 US presidential election, has jumped into the social media bandwagon by buying, yes buying, a hashtag attribution to bulk up his campaign.
Promotional efforts for the promoted trending hashtag #RomneyRyan2012 reportedly came with a $120,000 investment. According to Zac Moffatt, digital director of the campaign, the initiative is meant to provide "a convention without walls."
This is the first-ever election campaign to buy Twitter space. The national?trending topic?was launched in 30 August and as of 9pm the same day recorded at least 10,000 unique tweets.
On the outside, the strategy looks highly-effective, given that the Twitterverse is home to some of the most information-hungry individuals in the country. However, because free speech is the rule of community, the #RomneyRyan2012 hashtag also leaves itself very wide open to critical use.
Here are some examples of tweets that have used the hashtag to bash the campaign.
The sale of national and local trending topics is not a new concept. Twitter has actually started selling hashtags to businesses in December 2010, with cheapest package costing at least $120,000.
In the realm of politics, some say that President Obama had the edge against John McCain back in 2008 because the former was highly involved in digital campaigning, using the likes of Facebook, Twitter and other online platforms to get his messages out to more people.
Of course, whether social media is powerful enough to sway votes or change people's political inclinations remains subject to actual study.
Do you think politicians should take to Twitter and the like to reach out to potential voters? Does it work for you? Let us know in the comments!