Although social media has shown to be one of the most powerful and effective marketing tools today, the approach may still not work for certain types of marketers or businesses.
A number of companies have actually suffered more consequences due to incompatibility issues or by neglecting the rules on how to properly use social media and the related tools and features.
Here are some reasons why you should consider the options carefully first before creating an online account.
1. You don?t know the rules
Many marketers believe that creating an account will instantly funnel thousands of new loyal followers and clients. You have to establish a solid and reputable reputation first by providing good quality content as well as products that will actually benefit people.
Online users are not fond of salesmen or those who are constantly posting products for sale. Instead, building relationships and provide the impression that you are willing to help instead of just wanting to earn money.
Read more about the
Basics of Social Media Etiquette.
2. You don?t know how to socialize
Social media is primarily intended to create and foster relationships, whether for business or casual setups. The first step always involves having an approachable personality that will appeal to several social media users.
Create an account with interesting details about yourself and the field you belong to. Contact key individuals online and participate in different social media activities to get recognize. Expand your network and maintain contact with relevant users. If you don?t know how to build and maintain online friends, social media will not work to your advantage.
Read more about
Getting and Keeping Followers.
3. You don?t know how to convert social media into business opportunities
Even if you have the social skills to keep people interested and expand your network continuously, you cannot grow the business without creating a sound strategy. Learn how to convert current and potential followers into actual sales.
Use the relationships you build to drive more loyal customers. Have them share information and related products and tap into potential affiliates who can introduce you to people who will actually avail of your products and services.
One good way to start finding out who your supporters are is starting a series of hashtags related to your business, via a hashtag contest or a regular discussion. Using analytics tools, you can determine who are the most prolific users of the hashtag, who may even offer to help market your brand without cost.
Let's have a look at the hashtag
Read more about turning your
Top Online Supporters Into Brand Evangelists.
4. You don?t know how to evaluate
There are several online tools available today that will help you gauge the success or failure of social media campaigns. You can easily monitor hashtags, comments, feedback and other details regarding the online strategy. However, if you don?t know how the figures will affect the business or cannot create solutions to indicated weaknesses, you will only commit the same mistakes again. Social media requires fast action and immediate adjustments to keep the target audience interested.
In the Taco Bell hashtag
#HelloEverywhere, for example. We see that interest rose at August 26 and then fell 24 hours later. When the popularity drops, it is time to think of a new way to get people talking about you, or extend the hype by offering a reward, as with a raffle for when your profile reaches X number of followers.
Read more about the
Value of Analytics Tools to your Social Media Strategy.
5. You trust too much
Some companies make the mistake of hiring a person or program to run and operate their social media account. Many social media users easily get turned off when they realize that the account is only managed by a computer or a hired professional. Instead, provide a more personal approach and share casual details about yourself to make it appear that they?re talking to a live human being. Several successful companies have their CEO or President create an account to be closer to the target market.
Social media will only be beneficial for the long term when you learn how to be social. If your business isn't ready to be fully engaged with clients just yet, holding off the creation of an official social media account may be wise.