Creating an event hashtag will require a number of techniques to ensure that you get maximum participation and lasting impact.
Hashtags will most likely be in use for a long time so marketers dhave to know the rules in creating successful ones to engage more users and establish their brand throughout the online network.
To ensure the success of the event hashtag, here are some of the common approaches that expert marketers use to engage with users more.
1. Prepare for the long term
Come up with a hashtag name that can easily be carried over for the next years, or so-called evergreen hashtags. You may include the year so you can simply change it through time. Many companies do this to let people know that the success of the current one will lead to a subsequent event with better and more exciting offers. People will also expect more if you present the hashtag as if it is part of a series. The kind of information that they will get from the current one should remain consistent with future hashtags covering the same subject. Examples of well-performing recurring event hashtags include #TEDx, which transitions into micro-events according to theme, like #TEDxYouth and #TEDxWomen, or according to location, like #TEDxToronto or #TEDxLondon.2. Be creative
Think of ways to increase hype such as starting social media contests, sharing behind-the-scenes photos and asking controversial or mysterious questions. Use keywords that will grab the attention of target users. Collaborate with other social media experts and feature guests who have a huge following online. You will realize that adding these important people to the conversation will increase total participation. They can help spread information using different proven techniques. Continue sharing original and fresh information about the upcoming event until the actual date.