Most social media marketers now already understand the important relationship between television and social media advertising. Studies have shown that there is higher engagement when the two mediums are used concurrently. You can start using hashtags to support TV ads and vice versa.
Many users already resort to Twitter to get more information from the shows and advertisements they find on TV. Here are some tips on how to get the most benefits.
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Relate the TV ad with your own brand. Share your own videos and pictures on social media to help people connect the issues and get more involved in your campaign. Ask questions regarding the advertisement and respond to questions immediately. Show how your brand or products will benefit them for better results.
1. Give limited time offers
When offering products or benefits, do it within a brief period of time to create a sense of urgency among target users. People will more likely respond quickly and act on your invitation if you provide a time limit. Companies have used the same strategy when offering new products. Provide introductory rates or promotional freebies to excite people. You can get more people to join the hashtag if you set a deadline.2. Create a link
If you have an existing advertisement video or TV ad, promote it on Twitter then provide a link so others on social media can watch. You can target users on both mediums and get more people to know about the brand. Companies like McDonald?s and Wendy?s have used the approach to create hype and get positive feedback from clients.3. Add mystery
Similar to techniques used in soap operas and TV shows, people at the end of each episode are very excited to unravel the next part of the story. You can make videos then upload these ads online for people to watch every week. Make a hashtag, using words that give social media users an idea about the topic then adding terms that add excitement and mystery. You can gain more new followers by grabbing attention and creating hype over a few weeks. National Geographic Channel promoted its film "Killing Kennedy" with the hashtag #KillingKennedy to build excitement and drive viewership.
4. Take advantage of big events
Many advertisers properly time their releases when people are most likely viewing the TV or resorting to social media to get quick news and updates. For example, restaurants and other franchises launch their advertisements as fans anticipate the SuperBowl or other big sports events around the world. You can include a word in the hashtag which will relate with the big event and encourage more people to join. Keep conversations within topic and do not misrepresent the brand or event. Here are some of the most successful hashtags revealed during the 2013 SuperBowl. See how many impressions they made in just the last two months.

5. Show cause
Social media fans are also more likely to respond positively to hashtags if these show concern for important issues around the world. Charities and fund-raising activities get more participants since it gives your brand a kind and caring personality. Followers can better relate with the brand when it shows human characteristics. Check for recent updates in the news on TV and create a hashtag to contribute to a particular cause. McDonald's launched the #CheersToSochi campaign?to cheer on athletes competing in the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games.