
Most Popular Hashtags For The Healthcare Industry

August 15, 2012
With millions of tweets practically being sent out from all over the world everyday, getting lost in the sea of hashtags?and conversations is common. Ultimately, hashtags?are meant to gather users' tweets and insights about a specific subject, so that anybody who clicks the hashtag will see a thread of discussions on the topic.

Healthcare on Social Media

This is how people from the healthcare industry are trying to get information out to as many people as possible. By tapping social media networks like Twitter, Facebook and Google+, doctors, nurses and all healthcare professionals can reach out directly to individuals from world over to spread knowledge and awareness on various health issues. The barrage of information can be quite overwhelming, however, that if you're not attentive on the hashtag you're following?you will likely have trouble keeping track of the data and sources that truly matter to you. To make things simple, social media consulting firm Symplur?has created a way for healthcare hashtags to be classified into digestible pieces through the Healthcare Hashtag Project, so that users know exactly where to go when they need information about a certain type of illness or healthcare method. Here's an example of a healthcare hashtag chat using #bcsm.

Top Healthcare-related Hashtags

Here are some of the most used healthcare-related hashtags. We suggest you start with this list if you want to connect with the most people in real-time. #BCSM #biotech #digitalhealth #doctors20 #ehr #eldercarechat #hcmmconf #hcr #hcsmca #hcsmeu #hcsmin #healthapps #healthinnovations #HITsm #Ideagoras #LupusChat #meddevice #meded #medtech #mhealth #mhsm #pharma #premeded #ptsafety #s4pm For a more detailed list of ongoing tweet chats?about healthcare, check out Symplur's Healthcare Tweet Chat Calendar. A more comprehensive list of healthcare hashtags that have been used since Twitter started can also be found HERE.  

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