
Using Hashtags On Pinterest

August 23, 2012
Much like Twitter and Instagram, using hashtags?on Pinterest also leads users to a page where other users' posts using the same hashtag will appear. By applying hashtags?to your pins, you let the Pinterest community know what your photo is about and gives the public access to your photo. Take a look at this photo, instance. It bears the hashtag #homedesign. However, unlike Twitter where the posts listed under a hashtag are chronological, Pinterest listings are based on user traffic, where the images with the most number of likes or repins appear at the top. This way, you instantly connect with images that are the most popular in the platform. Here's a sample of the page that appears when you do a search for #homedesign. Take note that the contents of this page will vary, depending on what is popular at the time of your search.

Why Use Hashtags On Pinterest

There are several reasons why hashtags are applied to Pinterest pins. - To showcase your suggestions to users conducting a search on the topic - To create an online portfolio that is largely image-driven. (Use your username as the hashtag.) - To establish connections with like-minded users and, possibly, build business relationships through the repin and comment features. - To market your product or service. Do note that while Instagram lets you share photos you yourself have taken, Pinterest allows you to share images that are not necessarily taken by you. The short of it is that Pinterest is mainly an inspiration board and users get into conversations discussing these sources of inspiration. It would be a major plus, however, if you took the images yourself or showcasing your own work.

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