created on January 8, 2018
We are on a mission to push the boundaries of AI and computer vision to develop our real-world scientific model we call “Aspire Analyticx”. Aspire Analyticx is a full dimensional scientific model developed with the concept of modeling human potential using AI.
created on January 8, 2018
We are on a mission to push the boundaries of AI and computer vision to develop our real-world scientific model we call “Aspire Analyticx”. Aspire Analyticx is a full dimensional scientific model developed with the concept of modeling human potential using AI.
As our first attempt to apply the concept for a positive impact in the real world, we are applying this concept in the world of swimming. While our Swim Engineering team is transforming swim techniques to data science, our computer vision and AI team develops a full dimensional model to create the swimmer’s full potential ideal self. It lets you compare and compete against your own full potential ideal self.
We believe this will be the most path-breaking scientific advancement in the world of sports science. Decades of AI and deep learning research will be leveraged to explore the fullest potential of athletes and aspiring them to break their boundaries by competing against their potential self.