created on November 13, 2014
A hashtag in Spanish to raise awareness within the Hispanic & Latino communities in US and worldwide. Literal translation in English is "No More Diabetes."
created on November 13, 2014
The act of recognizing, mitigating and halting the effects of stigma in society, healthcare, countries and cultures. Raising awareness, sensitivity and knowledge are crucial to this endeavor.
created on November 13, 2014
Advanced Practice Public Health Nurse or Nursing. A Master's or Doctorate level prepared registered nurse working in community health systems.
created on November 13, 2014
Clinical Nurse Specialist. A Master's or Doctoral prepared nurse who is an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN). They are trained to provide individualized care and provide case management. They design, implement and evaluate interventions ranging from the patient to communities and population groups. They also improve health outcomes through EBP research, epidemiology and infection control. Their sphere of influence are the patient, peers (other nurses and medical staff),systems (institutions and companies)and populations (communities, local to federal).
RNExpert, RNResearch, RNConsult, RNClinLeader, RNCollaborate, RNEthics
created on November 13, 2014
An exceptionally original and genuine person. A compliment denoting fierceness in advocacy in the spoken or written media. Promoting good will to all, seeking no recompense other than to illuminate social consciousness on a dire issue, problem and intervention.
created on November 13, 2014
Nurses save lives everyday and advocate for dignity in dying. Selfless and tiresome, nurse heroes seek to improve the welfare of their patients and communities. Imbued with power for teamwork,their skills and care have no bounds. The traits of nurse heroes are: fidelity, truthfulness,respect, compassion, beneficence, nonmaleficence, autonomy and justice.
created on November 13, 2014
A nurse has the capacity to solve any problem. In the event that she/he can't -- will ensure you have the resources and aid to find a solution.
created on November 13, 2014
Food security is the state of having access and use of healthy food items to improve health. Establishing ways to provide access and delivery of nutritious and healthy food to people, communities where they are lacking promotes food security. Food banks, food donations, mobile pantries, and hot meals delivery are some of the ways to promote food security.
created on November 13, 2014
Health disparity or disparities is/are differences in health outcomes between two groups. One group usually has a greater or negative health outcome experience in health. Health disparities are preventable, but will need to address intersectionality of experience to mitigate the negative effects.
created on November 13, 2014
period of transition when Congress meets after election to time new Congress convenes starting the successors' term in office. Also used for newly elected POTUS.
created on November 13, 2014
11 million undocumented immigrants needing immigration reform.
created on November 13, 2014
Monday is the start of the week. Hard for many but a box of cheerio for others. Post your Monday tweet cheer good or bad!
created on November 13, 2014
strength,weakness,opportunities,threats analysis plan for intervention in business or medicine.
created on November 13, 2014
A nursing paradigm shift to promote the professional standards of CNS,NP, Nurse Anesthetists, Midwives as graduate level profession with APRN (advanced practice registered nurse) designation.
created on November 13, 2014
Communities have the power to solve their problems, engaging community members from diverse backgrounds and stakeholders can help find solutions to a problem issue.