created on May 7, 2016
1. Arsenal supporter who is a fool or you don't like the look of.
2. Arsenal supporter who's a mother fucker.
created on October 4, 2013
Keep it charming, confident, and elegant. The use of manners combined with style.
created on September 26, 2013
Stuffed bread or pastry baked or fried in many countries in Southern Europe, Latin America, and parts of Southeast Asia. The name comes from the Galician, Portuguese and Spanish verb empanar, meaning to wrap or coat in bread.
created on September 26, 2013
Handmade Empanadas, sides and salsas found @TachbrookStreet market Tuesday to Friday.
created on September 26, 2013
Pre motivational question asked when an activity or action has been deferred for a period of time. With no predicted start date.