Vanessa Doctor
created on September 7, 2012
Users @mention or simply name someone who they think is beautiful.
created on September 7, 2012
The hashtag campaign to switch to Nokia Lumia, the smartphone that runs on the Windows 8 operating system.
created on September 7, 2012
Reasons why you should break up with the girl you're seeing.
created on September 7, 2012
Refers to locked-in syndrome sufferer Tony Nicklinson who challenged Britain's laws on the right to die by asking the court to give his doctors the right to legally end his life. He died in August 22, 2012 after enduring locked-in syndrome for seven years since suffering a stroke.
created on September 7, 2012
The Advanced Level General Certificate of Education is a qualification offered by education institutions in England, Northern Ireland, Wales, Cameroon, and most Caribbean islands. A-levels are studied over a two-year period and are recognised as the standard for assessing the suitability of applicants for academic courses in English, Welsh, and Northern Irish universities.
created on September 7, 2012
The seven-week webisode franchise related to the USA Network original series Necessary Roughness.
created on September 7, 2012
In military-speak, drones are generally robots, or unmanned/remotely-controlled underwater, aerial or ground vehicles and devices. The term can also be used to describe people who act on others' (usually leaders') instructions without question.
created on September 7, 2012
'So You Think You Can Dance' is a reality TV franchise where contestants compete in dance. The first series of the franchise, created by producers Simon Fuller and Nigel Lythgoe, premiered in July 2005 and has broadcast nine seasons since. Adaptations of the show began airing in other counties in late 2005 and to date 23 shows have been produced representing 24 different countries and comprising 65 individual seasons. [Source:http://***]
created on September 6, 2012
May refer to the reshuffling of cabinet members of the British government by UK Prime Minister David Cameron in September 2012. The appointments were announced one by one on Cameron's Twitter account @number10gov on September 3.
created on September 5, 2012
The hashtag that refers to Watch It Later service created by Pocket, the application that lets users save videos, documents and basically anything that can be converted digitally.
created on September 5, 2012
The USA Network television series about a Long Island divorcee who, in order to make ends meet, gets a job as a therapist for a professional football team. The show was picked up for 12 episodes on January 19, 2011 and debuted on June 29, 2011 with a 90-minute premier episode. The second season began June 6, 2012.
created on September 5, 2012
'Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network' is the largest anti-sexual violence organization in the US. It created and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotlinea 800.656.HOPE.
created on September 5, 2012
Rockefeller Center or Rockefeller Plaza is a complex of 19 commercial buildings and is one of the top tourist destinations in New York City.
created on September 5, 2012
Urban slang, referring to something that is ruined, doomed, or beyond help or recovery.
created on September 5, 2012
New York Stock Exchange bell. The trading floor bell, or 'The Opening Bell' signals the beginning of trading each business day and the 'The Closing Bell' signals the end of trading each business day.
created on September 5, 2012
Hashtag for fans of UK boy band JLS (Jack the Lad Swing), who first appeared on The X Factor UK in 2008. They were signed with record company Epic Records in January 2009 and as of 2012 lists four albums and five number one singles.
created on September 5, 2012
The Twitter contest sponsored by UltiCards in honor of its partnership with Five Ultimate, where five decks are to be awarded to lucky winners in 5 days. The contest started August 27, 2012, with one deck given away per day.
created on September 5, 2012
Hashtag appended to important events or bits of information that you have to know or shouldn't miss.
created on September 5, 2012
Information graphics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge.
created on September 5, 2012
The London-based company providing social media analytics based on footprints from use of major social media services (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Quora). It was founded in 2009 by Azeem Azhar, a former journalist and Reuters executive, Ditlev Schwanenfl?gel, a former McKinsey consultant and Bill Emmott (the former Editor-in-chief of The Economist) backed by a number of Internet investors.
created on September 5, 2012
Kred Influence Measurement is a measure of influence created by PeopleBrowsr, a San Francisco-based social media analytics company, to identify influential people in interest-based communities. Kred scores are generated by observing a social network user's content, who it reaches, who acts upon it, and whether the user relays the content of others. [Source:http://***]
created on September 5, 2012
The San Francisco-based company that provides social media analytics to measure a user's influence across his or her social network.
created on September 5, 2012
Hashtag used by US President Barack Obama's fans to support his bid for the 2012 presidential elections.