Eric Cantor, US House Majority Leader, recently introduced
Cosponsor.gov on June 4, 2013. The app and website is based on Facebook and allows social media users to show their support for legislation.
Others can also search for legislations in the House using the app. The new platform will help politicians and supporters stay aware of Congressional bills and hopefully improve how these are created. One of the main advantages that the new website offers is that its creator is actually a member of Congress.
Users can cosponsor a bill to get regular updates regarding its status. People can determine if there are bills that were recently approved, bills that are bound for a hearing and bills that are intended for a full vote. Other potential supporters and contacts of the supporter can also be informed regarding the matter as the user shares his or her support.
Citizenship Cosponsor will work with any kind of bill, whether it comes from the Democrats or Republicans. Before, only a few bills were introduced and these usually stemmed from Republicans.
The Citizen Cosponsor Project grows with Cosponsor.gov since each resolution and bill coming from the House will be shown. It will be a great opportunity for all American citizens to share and show their support as well as get more information regarding legislations in the House without any special preference to Democrats or Republicans.

Users will get periodic notifications on Facebook about the development of the bill. There are also other related online services that will give more information to people for congressional bills.
Citizen Cosponsor is created on the Open Graph on Facebook. The platform is intended to improve engagement between supporters and the government. The platform is still in beta mode now but users can expect more changes and features later on. Cantor further shared the main objectives of elected politicians such as engagement, transparency and open government.