At the height of this year's Halloween celebration, Twitter fans decided to share many of their favorite scary movies on the social media site using the hashtag #MormonHalloweenMovies.
Twitter user @drewchamps initiated the hashtag, injecting humor into the event. Immediately, the hashtag trended well as social media users shared many of their funny suggestions and own unique collaborations between saints and Halloween characters.
User @RandyTayler shared, ?What Father of All Lies Beneath? and ?Night of the Provident Living Dead?.
User @UtMormonDemoGuy posted, ?Dawn of the Dead: Early Morning Seminary?.
User @ScottHeffernan tweeted, ?So I Got Sealed to an Axe Murderer?.
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There were also a lot of memes and lists of other equally hilarious versions from Twitter fans on how they intended for the movies to play and end with the Mormon inclusions. Many brands and marketers came up with their own list of favorite scary movies with a Mormon twist while using the hashtag #MormonHalloweenMovies.
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Many times in the past, Twitter fans have poked fun at stereotypes. There used to be hashtags about Utah stereotypes such as #UtahRealityShow, as well as hashtags about religious and cultural stereotypes. Social media fans post frequently about their odd traditions and practices.
These are also opportunities for others to know more about certain cultures and products. Similarly, people tweeted about the weird effects when two entirely different genres are combined. These are basically meant for fun and entertainment among social media fans.