Lawyers in Dallas started a hashtag to increase awareness and keep children safe particularly when riding their bicycles.
The Dallas Accident Attorneys of 1-800-Car-Wreck of Eberstein & Witherite initiated #KidsBikeSafety to alert parents and share safety guidelines since biking is one of the most popular activities among young children. The hashtag was created to protect children, considering the fact that many of them will be riding their bikes in the next couple of summer months.
The hashtag aims to keep children free from injury and to avoid unnecessary accidents. Children and parents must practice safety precautions at all times to enjoy their summer to the fullest.
Because helmets are the ultimate protective biking device for children, the Dallas lawyers will be handing out free bicycle helmets every week from June to August 2013.
Online users only need to tweet and include the hashtag #KidsBikeSafety to get a chance to win the item. Other prizes will also be given wway by 1-800-Car-Wreck to people following
To join the activity, log on to Twitter or create an online account. Follow the handle @800CarWreck. Tweet your bike experiences, safety guidelines, useful protective biking gear or reasons why your kid deserves a free helmet together with the hashtag. Ebertstein & Witherite will be choosing some of the best tweets to earn the rewards.
According to emergency room statistics, almost 60 percent of children 15 years old and below suffer from bike-related accidents. Children are especially prone to problems and accidents when riding bicycles in various places.
Lawyers stress that children who do not wear helmets when biking are 14 times more prone to suffer from fatal accidents compared to those who wear a helmet. In 2011, there were 85 deaths and over 66,000 children injured in riding accidents. Other accessories can also be used to protect kids from serious injury.