Companies that use hashtags for ads can determine the actual value of their investment.
With a lot of people anticipating Beyonce?s tour, Pepsi UK planned an effective marketing approach involving a hashtag contest on social micro-blogging network Twitter.
The hashtag #MeetBeyonce was created by the corporate account @PepsiMaxUk. An online queue jumping contest asked users to tweet and include the hashtag to get a chance to win.
Promoted tweets were also used to spread the information to more social media users. Winners would get free tickets to the tour.
When the campaign ended, there were more than 153,000 tweets that included the hashtag. The company gained 32,000 new Twitter followers, growing by 109 percent. Each engagement cost only around ?0.25 via the promoted trend.
Twitter developed an advertising scheme wherein marketers will pay whenever a promoted tweet draws some interaction or is engaged by users. The approach is also known as cost per engagement and not cost by impressions. The new model is becoming the preferred approach among social media users.
Usually, a brand costs $174. Between 2010 and 2013, the fan value increased by 28 percent. According to social media experts and marketers, constant exposure to advertisements and brands will spur online users to avail of products and services. Individuals also have to determine if the price is worth the amount of exposure they are getting.
Brands are wary on having to pay for every click or interaction. The campaign by Pepsi will educate several companies on how cost should be determined or calculated. There are a number of features and apps on Facebook and Twitter where advertisers can companies can determine the reach and cost for each engagement.
They can find out more about the advertisement?s value and potential to actually generate income for the company as well as bring in loyal customers.