To celebrate Halloween 2013, social media users invite others to watch Ricky Dillon (@RickyPDillon) dressed up in a silly yellow chicken costume scaring people away on the street.
The hashtag #ScaringStrangers was created which mainly featured the video created by Dillon which shows himself approaching and scaring random strangers walking, seated on benches and window shopping.
The video was posted on YouTube asking people whether or not they liked the video and if it is possible for them to reach 40,000 likes.
Netizens immediately retweeted the post and shared the video on Twitter, encouraging others to watch the funny clip lasting over three minutes.
Twitter users tweeted ?Follow me Ricky? together with their sentiments about the video. Others even shared how much they admired Ricky and laughed so hard again in a long time.
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Many also shared their feelings about Halloween and the other funny costumes that they can try to scare strangers. Related hashtags to #ScaringStrangers were also trending (peaking to over 45,000 tweets) well such as #Halloween and #TrickorTreat. In essence, other social media users posted about how people should celebrate Halloween more and practice the tradition of wearing costumes and getting and giving away treats and candies to children.
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The video is simple but funny and shows the power of social media in sending people?s messages across a very broad network. Currently, the YouTube video has already reached more than twice its quota with close to 100,000 likes. The viral post shows how useful social media can be especially when celebrating special events of the year.
People can reach thousands of others in a matter of minutes by coming up with interesting and good quality content. Marketers can discover the effectiveness of using two or more social media channels together to reach their target audience.
Netizens continue to share the video on Twitter and encourage others to start viewing and enjoy the big scary chicken.