The hashtag #occupygezi was created after media agencies failed to report on the actual violence that occurred in Istanbul, Turkey. People initially gathered in a peaceful manner to protest the leveling of Gezi Park with the objective of converting the area into a shopping mall.
However, the quiet protests changed from wholesome activities into a collection of tear gas attacks, barricades and plastic bullets. Since the Turkish media did not share the actual happenings on June 4, 2013, social media and Twitter proceeded to let the world know what truly transpired through the hashtag.
There were a lot of pictures on the hashtag showing Turkish police attacking protesters with tear gas and hosing them with water to disperse the area. Many of the civilians were unarmed and a number were also hurt because of the violence.
Oltac Unsal, Murat Aktihanoglu and Duygu Atacan used the hashtag to strengthen their cause and spread information to others about the real events in Istanbul. The three intended to gather funds to acquire full page ads in The New York Times or The Washington Post.
Hopefully, people around the world will know about the violence and injustice in Turkey. Getting an ad in these major newspapers will hopefully trigger the Turkish government to make the necessary changes that favor citizens.
The Indiegogo project was created and known as the ?Full Page Ad for Turkish Democracy in Action: OccupyGezi for the World?. Because of the social media activities and hashtag, the Indiegogo project attained its objective in gathering $53,800 in under a day.
More funds are coming in to help the project with the amount going over $60,000 so far. With the aid of the funds and the spread of vital information around the world, the Turkish government will improve, knowing that the entire world is observing. The ad will most likely appear in The New York Times on June 5 or 6, 2013.