
Teen Uses #AcceptBernie To Get Into UCLA

May 21, 2013
uclaMajority of high school students would go through the traditional processes to get into a good college or university. One remarkable teenager, however, resorted to social media network Twitter to get into UCLA. Bernie Zak, an 18-year-old high school student from Massachusetts wanted to study at his dream university and thought of tweeting instead of waiting. He decided to use Twitter to tweet 50 reasons why he is eligible for a spot. The success story shows how social media is quickly becoming an effective tool for various activities and tasks such as getting into excellent schools or finding the ideal job. Zak created with hashtag #AcceptBernieUCLA to cite his witty reasons. He posted several smart and creative tweets, labeling each as ?Reason? followed by the corresponding number. When he reached Reason 32, UCLA informed the Twitter user that he has been admitted. accept Bernie continued tweeting even after his acceptance. For example, he cited, ?Reason #39 @UCLA, should accept berniezak: It would be nice to have a future president of the United States at your school?. He used the same hashtag for each of his tweets. Sometimes he included a photo or link.


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