
This Week's Top 5 Most Retweeted Stories

December 1, 2012
How was shopping? Here's this week's most talked about stories.

20 Ultra-Funny People To Follow On Twitter

If you like humor and are not offended by satire, then it?s only imperative that you start following the right comics on Twitter.

15 Tech Geeks to Follow on Twitter

If you consider yourself as tech-savvy or highly addicted to video games and outer space, you should look for the right mentors online who can provide you with all the interesting updates and news.

The Child Named Hashtag

Obsession over social media has reached a new high when a mother named her newborn ?Hashtag? after the popular Twitter feature.

Twitter To Provide Downloadable Archive Before End of 2012

Before 2012 ends, Twitter users will be able to access and download all their personal tweets and archives and keep them offline.

Festival Invites Creative Storytellers With #TwitterFiction

The Twitter Fiction Festival will be held on November 28, 2012 and will last five days.

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