Many watch TV while browsing through Twitter at the same time to get information about their favorite shows and characters, even the episodes happen.
Advertisers and TV marketers are, thus,
investing in Twitter ads and features so that they can have a wider reach and bring in much needed loyal customers. Twitter has recently partnered with a number of media groups, like Vice, Vevo and Time Inc., to further push its new product, Twitter Amplify.
Amplify allows marketers to show TV clips and promote these on the social media website. Whenever spots are aired, advertisers can see the response and how effective these have been using video fingerprinting technology. Many marketing experts observe that people immediately tweet about new commercials they see on television.
The ad product will allow technologies to view television shows and advertisements to keep track whenever a commercial airs. The product then locates tweets from individuals watching the same commercial or TV show.
The service is quite similar to
hashtag analytics tools, where marketers get to see how the public responds to a certain
hashtag-driven marketing campaign by seeing how many tweets it has generated, how many impressions it's made, who its most prolific users are, what people are saying exactly, and what other hashtags are being used alongside it. The results can go as soon as 1 hour and go back as far as one year.
See the hashtag
#Amplify, for example.
It remains to be seen how effective Twitter's new tool will be, although it admittedly has a very noble objective. It also appears that this service will be available only to paying customers.
Twitter Amplify allows users to have real-time sponsorships, connecting TV advertisements with other promotional activities on Twitter. Other possible partners for the new product include music organizations, publishers and sports agencies.
These are the initial partners of Amplify.

These new developments surfaced after results from Nielsen studies showed a significant relationship between TV ratings and the amount of tweets that viewers post regarding a show. Twitter will offer the content for advertisers in the form of digital video and short clips straight from TV shows.
There are associated risks with the recent move too. According to some experts, Twitter should not allow too many advertisements on the website. Otherwise, the social micro-blogging giant may start losing loyal users.
The new products and capitalization on TV shows are set to further push Twitter?s position in the market. The company has been busy partnering with other big groups, like Starcom, to allow advertisers more control and to acquire specific information regarding their company.