The NSA (National Security Agency) became the target of disgruntled tweets after the huge revelation that it was collecting communications data from American citizens illegally.
Thousands of online users attacked NSA and its surveillance approaches with both serious and comical tweets. The hashtag #NSAPickUPLines featured both hilarious and serious tweets ?to the sentiments of Americans from various areas.
In 2011, the secretive court discovered that the NSA illegally gathered information from thousands of emails between Americans, which is a violation of the 4th amendment of the United States Constitution. According to Judge John Bates, the government gave substantially different information with regard to the volume and nature of the collected data.
The FISA Court says the surveillance agency gathered around 56,000 purely domestic communications each year for 3 years. The kind of information gathered ranged from screenshots of email inboxes, single emails and other types of internet communications. The FISA court is said to be dependent on assurance provided by the government in determining whether or not the NSA complies with the surveillance law and other related processes.
The hashtags got picked up significantly, with #NSAPickUpLines peaking at 29,900 tweets. To date, it has generated a total of 44,300 tweets since it started on August 24.
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On Twitter, fans created memes, particularly of movies relating to the violation allegedly committed by the NSA in encroaching in the confidentiality of communications. #NSAPickUpLines were also full of funny comments from people saying that there is no such thing as privacy and sarcastically stating that American citizens should expect the smallest type of information to be easily acquired by the government, whether it?s a financial discussion with a family member or what?s cooking for dinner.
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