
10 Helpful Hashtags for Constant Travelers

January 16, 2013
Today, we use social media to get quick and often first-hand information on a wide array of topics and also find others who are equally interested. Avid travelers have the convenience of bringing smart phones and mobile devices that would let them access information regardless of the time and location. There are specific hashtags that will appropriately guide travelers on the best places to go anywhere in the world.


As the tag indicates, you can expect general information about traveling. Potential travelers can get quick tips on how to get ready for certain destinations, as well as know which areas should not be missed. Although the range of travel information you get might be broad, this hashtag will provide great guidelines for both new and advanced travelers.


This hashtag is more specific and offers special tips and information on popular and less-explored beaches. You can find out which places are best to visit depending on the time of the year. Other beach information you can get from the hashtag include accommodations, transportation, costs and other related fees.


This hashtag is still very much active even though the original website is no longer available. Every Tuesday, people from everywhere share news and tips about traveling. The conversation goes on for the entire day until a new one is put up the following week. It is also sometimes used with the hashtag #TT.


Short for Travelers' Night In, this hashtag is frequented by individuals from well-known travel sites and blogs. You can get information about certain areas, as well as read the insights and experiences of others who recently visited new countries and sites. The conversation is jumpstarted every Thursday, 3:30 to 5:00PM EST.


People who are interested in traveling to different parts of the globe and exotic countries can visit the hashtag to get more targeted information. The conversation focuses on the activities and experiences of individuals who have visited certain countries and will be helpful to those who are still planning. The acronym stands for Round The World.


The conversation is held every Tuesday and focuses on cruising and cruise offers. You can find out more about packages and cruise details from the experts. The chat happens at 2:00PM EST.


The hashtag, short for Social Media Travel, particularly caters to social media enthusiasts who like to travel a lot. The conversations cover previous experiences and other great deals to get when going to special sites.


The hashtag stands for Travel Talk on Twitter. The conversation is initiated two times each Tuesday, at 9:30AM and 9:30PM GMT. Experts and beginners can share about their experiences and plans. You can also ask questions to guide you to the best deals and attractions.


Individuals who like to travel in class and style will like this hashtag because it shares vital information on the best and most luxurious trips you can possibly take. The guidelines will cover a lot of traveling tips for a memorable five-star vacation. The conversation is held every second Wednesday of the month at 5:30PM EST.


The hashtag means Lonely Planet and will be a very good place for avid travelers and online bloggers, given the brand's reputation when it comes to talking about amazing destinations. Social media and the availability of hashtags related to travel has made the act of traveling, whether in a group or alone, much more feasible and convenient. With the help of many from all parts of the world and in real-time, travelers gain instant access to important information to keep their trips fun, convenient and safe.

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