Trolls are a specie of users that post negative messages that disrupt other people on the internet. Many of these are harmless and merely attack for fun and humor.
There are also other more serious trolls that harass users to generate huge reactions (and eventually infamy). Online businesses and entrepreneurs should know how to handle them properly. Twitter trolls can actually be used to your advantage and boost hashtag stats.
1. Avoid engagement
Trolls actually enjoy getting attention -- whether it?s positive or negative. However, they feel more motivated to attack posts and hashtags when the creator gets infuriated or show emotion.
The main technique is not to give trolls any attention so that they will not be rewarded by their acts of disruption. The more you engage the troll, the more likely they will stay and hijack the thread. Trolls like long conversations and heated exchanges online. If you answer their senseless questions or get angry by typing derogatory remarks, they will tend to linger longer and try to get you angrier.
Here's an interesting conversation we found on Twitter.
2. Show maturity
Trolls will size up their online opponents based on the responses. If they see weak spots in your replies or if there is any hint that you are bothered by their acts, they will persist.
Trolls also use a variety of materials and words based on their quick searches so they can reply easily and start flame wars. The idea is to be emotionally mature and respond technically, only focusing on the idea and not on the person. Keep the conversation focused on the subject and the troll will naturally only discuss it.
3. Inform other hashtag users about troll presence
One of the first steps involves providing a quick update to current users that there is a troll attacking the hashtag. A more effective approach involves sending private messages to other Twitter users and telling them to completely ignore the troll and stay on topic. Trolls will try to get the attention of any user if they cannot generate the response they expected from the hashtag creator.
4. Offer help
A few short but helpful responses can actually change a troll?s ways online. Provide a reply, saying that you apologize for the inconsistencies and other problems that they are allegedly having and that you would like to discuss the matter in private or that they can forward their concerns to you through email or another private means. Showing a helpful attitude and willingness to serve and find solutions can actually convert trolls into loyal social media followers.
5. Consider their arguments
Many online companies and marketers continue to succeed in their campaigns because they learn to listen to trolls. Trolls generally expect you to counter the things that they?re posting online. If you agree with their valid points and share that you intend to find quick solutions with their help and input, they can actually boost your knowledge and expand the existing network. This can work very well in your favor by using the troll to enhance your social media campaign.
Trolls spend a lot of time on Twitter and other places online. If you use the right methods that convert them effectively into loyal followers, you can reap the benefits for the long term.