Facebook has
collaborated with Storyful to start FB Newswire, an application that is targeted toward journalists. Storyful is a social news agency owned by News Corp. It searches, confirms, gathers and provides user-generated content, photos and videos.
The two teams plan to aid newsrooms and journalists to search, share and embed good quality content for writing news articles using Facebook. According to Storyful managing editor Aine Kerr, ?Storyful?s discovery technology and expert journalists will bring a new layer of verification, expert curation and community engagement to content on Facebook.?
The partnership between Facebook and Storyful is expected to deliver traditional principles of journalism and merge these contemporary video. Newsworthy content can conveniently surface by distinguishing what is real from fake or superficial information. User-generated content can be verified so that social media users acquire news and information that is actually factual and reliable.
Storyful executives shared how excited they are in working with Facebook, which currently has over 1 billion users. Andy Mitchell of Storyful said that they appreciate how Facebook has the right experience and tools that will maximize their primary purpose to bring the right information to those who need it the most.

Facebook intends to establish itself as a viable news source and has been busy in the previous months to boost newsworthy content. Search algorithms and the News Feed on the website have been improved. Users or news groups can expect to embed posts similar to how they work with other kinds of posts on the social media platform. The post will also provide a link back to the Facebook page where the content comes from. Each post will be provided with hashtags and written context. Other users can also comment on the FB Newswire posts.
Kerr added, ?We want to start to help users and newsrooms tell stories from different parts of the world.?