Tweets are generated from a variety of signals. These can come from trends and are based on algorithms so that online users can be guided toward topics and other online users they are truly interested in.
These tailored and interest-specific tweets can be found in the Discover tab.
The location of the Twitter user will somewhat matter when it comes to viewing tweets pertaining to a particular place.
Currently, Twitter supports 100 locations. Places that are not covered will find default stories from various parts of the world. Users can change the viewable tweets on the Discover page by selecting a particular location.

About the Discover Tab
The Discover tab basically gathers different types of information so that online users can easily be guided to the topics and profiles that will be compatible with their online goals and activities. There are various elements in the Discover tab on, such as Tweets, Find Friends, Who to Follow, Activity and Browse Categories. In short, it's a place where you can discover something or someone new.Discover
First of all, the Tweets tab inside the Discover tab will show the latest tweets from the online users that you follow, as well as the other users that they follow in turn. Tweets are presented depending on the particular interests of the people you follow. Popular tweets tend to trend well while there are also others that might be invisible if these are not talked about by many online users. Twitter uses an algorithm to help you find topics and profiles that will most likely be relevant to your own preferences and interests.Find Friends
Second, the Find Friends tab in the Discover tab will help you locate family, friends, colleagues and other contacts. The process will involve your email address book wherein you will be guided to specific individuals and companies you already know through their email address. This is a convenient and quick way to gain followers and build a list of initial people to follow.More Elements
Who To Follow
The Who to Follow tab inside the Discover tab will guide Twitter users to particular accounts through recommendations. You might be surprised to find certain profiles that will spark your interest. Twitter also uses an algorithm to distinguish accounts that you will most likely follow, based on the websites you visit and the profiles you check and follow. Accounts will be suggested to you so you have the option to either follow or not to follow certain individuals or groups. The profiles that the people you follow on Twitter frequent will also be shared to you.Activity
The Activity tab will present the various activities that the people you follow are doing on Twitter. You will discover their retweets, follows and favorites. You can find interesting topics and issues as well as join conversations since many of these individuals will be posting or sharing information that is highly compatible with your own interests.Browse Categories
Finally, the Browse Categories tab will show you lists of popular accounts on Twitter. These are arranged based on interest. You will be given suggestions to easily acquire information and follow topics pertaining to issues that might help in your online objectives.