#iOS8 was released with many new additions to the iPhone. They have updated the call for Siri, in which now iPhone users can just say "Hey, Siri!" and Siri will kick on. Another handy option is the handoff, where you can begin something on one Apple device and end it on another device. Many changes have been made to the accessibility section, which pays more attention to people who need help with usability, such as voiceovers and other items. Twitter and everyone else is really excited about this, with it trending very quickly after being released.
Usage will now show which items are draining your battery life, which will be a wonderful addition to the phone, considering that is one of the top complaints of the iPhone. The update also adds family sharing, which you can pick one family member to be the organizer, and the rest are then able to share easily between devices and phones.
Mail has added new swipe options, and there is improvement in the message section. You may swipe to talk, and between iPhones, or other apple devices, you can now send audio messages within texts. You can also pull down to quickly respond to messages now.
People are torn about how they feel about iOS8. Some people are having to delete a ton of space in order to download the app. Others have been waiting forever for it to download, because it takes so long and everyone is trying to download it at once.
Either way, it is always exciting when there are new updates to our devices. And for those out there who are android users, well none of this even matters to you!