The land of the free, and the home of the brave. America is a very special place to many and is the home of people of all types. Through extreme patriotism, the hashtag #murica?was born.
#Murica?has been a steady trend in the twitter world. It seems to be especially popular to those born in the Millennial generation (1980s-2000s). 'Murica is a way of saying "America" with a thick American accent. People have used the hashtag in various ways, but it tends to be used in a humorous manner more often. Sometimes, it can contain some negativity. Most of the time, it's used in an extremely patriotic circumstance. For example, when someone finds a piece of fried chicken that happens to be shaped like the United States of America:
While there is one picture of a deep fried chicken, the next tweet of #murica could contain some negativity, using the hashtag in almost a derogatory way.
Many of these tweets contain political comments,?while some?make jokes. For example, some tweets will say "We speak 'murican?here. #murica" in place of "We speak English here." Despite these tweets, for the most part people are using the hashtag to show patriotism. It is a topic that receives attention pretty much constantly.
This past week, #murica stays strong. Courtesy of Analytics
As expected, the trend skyrockets during days?like today (Labor Day) and the Fourth of July. Americans?are feeling especially patriotic during these times, because it is an American?holiday.
Whatever #murica means to those using it, it is still a popular hashtag that will be in trend for a while. For those Americans celebrating Labor Day?with a three day weekend, remember to thank #murica for that.