It's Monday again, and that means it's time for more Twitter games. This week we have #NameThingsYouThinkAreTrash as the game of choice. It may as well be #WhatYouDontLike as Tweeters took to posting about what they think really annoy them or were things they generally do not like.
Some Tweets were more personal than others, digging deep into the person's feelings. Others Tweeted about their daily lives including miserable subjects such as school or places they have been to that just did not please them. Everything from food, commercial products, and personal issues were found among the trend. #NameThingsYouThinkAreTrash seemed to be more than just a game to some and took to more serious ideas to share. These included politics, disease, problems in society, and more.
As with any Twitter game, there is always a handful of individuals that enjoy staying on the comical side of the spectrum. These Tweeters contributed to the trend by conjuring jokes, puns, or poking at some silly personal opinions of theirs. Some were brutally honest yet light-hearted while others enjoyed giving followers and readers a laugh.
Typically Twitter games will last a few hours in the day just to keep people occupied while there is? lack of news or other trends going on. However, the #NameThingsYouThinkAreTrash trending game seemed to last all night yesterday, presumably because it appeared on a Monday. What better way to prepare for another long week than to spend time playing fun social media games on Twitter? Well that could certainly be one of the many reasons people kept the hashtag trending. Although this trend did not reach Tweet numbers as high as the more common games, the trend lasted for quite a steady amount of time, giving it some trending dominance over the course of its lifespan. This is probably because the game was not as creative as more of the others. Answers started to be repeated and seen repeatedly quite often.
Featured Graphic: "Garbage" from Creative Commons 1.0.