#TGIF has stayed strong through the ages, with a spike in trends every Friday religiously. Every Friday looks something like this, with a 7,000+ trend.
Courtesy of Hashtags.org Analytics
TGIF stands for much more than Thank God it?s Friday. It stands for the working population of America who get off every weekend and look forward to freedom. Friday stands for freedom in most office jobs. For those people working retail, Friday sometimes stands for freedom, and isn?t it always nice when Friday is the last day of the week? Every person looks forward to the weekend, and that can be shown through the expression TGIF.
In fact, TGIF is so popular, there is a restaurant with the whole branding of ?Every day is Friday.? TGIF is repeated so many times and never gets old because of all the meaning behind it.
Many companies use this as a marketing technique, giving reasons why Friday could be even better, which is hard to do oftentimes.
TGIF should be repeated, and some people make sure to tweet about it every Friday.
This shows the look on most people?s faces when they wake up on a Friday. It is hard not to be optimistic all day when it is the end of the week, because two days are about to be completely relaxing.
But, of course, people should always remember that TGIF should be used in moderation, because really, we should be trying to make the best of every day, as this man reminds the Twitter world.
So, for today, lets TGIF and be optimistic!
Feature photo: Arztsamui on Free Digital Photos