
Twitter Scores Major Advertising Deal

April 23, 2013
Social micro-blogging titan Twitter finally gets its biggest advertising deal yet after months of pushing its products. The transaction involves Starcom MediaVest Group or SMG at the other end, which manages huge companies like Proctor & Gamble, Microsoft, Coca-Cola and Walmart, among others. The ad deal is worth hundreds of millions of dollars and shows how the internet is now one of, if not THE, primary platform when it comes to successful marketing campaigns. Twitter will be working with SMG for several years in a partnership-like structure. Coca-Cola, Walmart and the other giant companies will be involved since these are clients of SMG of Publicis. The best advertising slots on Twitter will be used by the companies and they are expected to use data and research information from the social media website. Several associated products will be introduced to further boost advertising campaigns. Twitter will serve as a bridge so that marketers and consumers do not have to choose between Twitter and TV. The agreement comes after a Nielsen study that presented how the correlative rise among individuals who watch TV and use smart phones and tablets to log on to social media networks at the same time.


Dick Costolo, CEO of Twitter, also mentioned how Twitter helps businesses improve their advertising campaign. Laura Desmond, global chief executive of SMG, also said that Twitter has transformed into one of the most essential companies on the internet in a short span of time. Since more TV viewers are becoming part of Twitter, SMG found the opportunity to boost the advertising activities and privileges of its clients by forging the partnership. The objective of companies at present is to engage its Twitter users to enjoy continuous growth and income.

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