Who doesn't love a good, light-hearted, trending hashtag to celebrate making it to the other side of hump day? Well it appears another Twitter game recently showed up: share your idea of #BadSpeedDatingOpeners. The hashtag originated around?3:00 PM Central Time on October 8th?and continued throughout all of Wednesday night, reaching several thousand in a matter of hours.
Some people took to the classic comedic route and tweeted about what they thought might?bring out a good?laugh for their friends or quite possibly make the most popular joke of the night. Others seemed to take the trend a little more seriously and take to the personal route. Still light-hearted, these Tweeters thought they might share some good information for friends to know, acting as a warning not to infringe on that information should a reader ever possibly encounter them in a speed dating session. Either way, this Wednesday night was full of happy Twitter users who had plenty of entertainment trending long enough to help them celebrate the downhill of the week.
As usual, when a fun game is trending on Twitter, everybody wants to take their shot at adding to the collection. The most noticeable ones are typically the comic ones, involving ridiculous, movie-like situations that could only appear in fiction. Here are a few great selections of these numerous, humorous?tweets:
This trend is definitely worth checking out.?Even some celebrities, companies,?and organizations took their turn adding to the fun as seen in the above image. Down below, it appeared some others wanted to express a bit of their own personal opinion on the topic geared toward a somewhat more serious side while still sticking to the light-heartedness of the idea, suggesting that followers take note. Some others, as usual, wanted to treat the #BadSpeedDatingOpeners trend as more of a competition and fought to come up with the most original idea and climb the "favorites" ladder.

Twitter never seems to slack on Wednesdays. Of course, this is most likely because Tweeters rely on the trending topic (which is usually pretty silly)?in the middle of the week?to get them past that hump. This week's #BadSpeedDatingOpeners is just one of many original Twitter trend games?that come and go but encourage everyone to participate.
Featured Graphic: "Wikimedia Deutschland Speed Dating at Wikimania 2012" Creative Commons, Wikimedia Commons