It's finally Thursday again which means it's time for more fantastic fun from the world of social media. This week ends with Halloween so of course the latest Twitter game would be related to the holiday. The game is held under the hashtag #UnwantedHalloweenTreats. The fun is that people can be serious and name whatever candy or treats they despise or?they can be funny and sarcastic and make something up to give out a few laughs. Of course, being related to a holiday means this hashtag reached out to many different people which caused it to become a big trend on Twitter.
The #UnwantedHalloweenTreats trend lasted all throughout the day, picking up quickly-changing rates of Tweets with a few spikes now and then. Seeing as the trend began yesterday and Halloween just started, it is likely that more trick-or-treaters will participate as they become anxious for Halloween night. There have already been thousands of Tweets with suggestions of what not to hand out for Halloween.
Some Tweets were pretty serious. Some people shared their absolute dislike of a certain type of candy while others hoped that the only thing they were given was actual candy. Others poked puns at the names of popular brands or wanted others to take note of their want for candy and no other type of food. Still some caught on to the trend of #UnwantedHalloweenTreats and teased friends about what they had in store for them if they pay their house a visit.
Regardless of everybody's preferences, it appears they want to enjoy their Halloween no matter what. No #UnwantedHalloweenTreats are going to get in the way of their holiday. With that said, expect maybe a few more unique hashtags to pop up today as the Halloween events unfold, and expect to see some more of the #UnwantedHalloweenTreats right around that trick-or-treating time.
See Definition: /definition/unwantedhalloweentreats
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