

Halloween Chuckles Ensue With #MormonHalloweenMovies

Halloween is usually celebrated with scares -- but Twitter users this year took a turn toward humor.

Super Bowl Hashtags Start Trending On Twitter

It's football season once again -- on the field and online.

Police Keep Social Media Busy On 2nd Global Tweet-A-Thon

The hashtag <a href="http://hashtags.org/analytics/PolTwt">#PolTwt</a> was created for police forces from different parts of the world to discuss the special event.

Netizens Pay Tribute To Halloween By #ScaringStrangers

To celebrate Halloween 2013, social media users invite others to watch Ricky Dillon (<a href="http://twitter.com/RickyPDillon" target="_blank">@RickyPDillon</a>) dressed up in a silly yellow chicken costume scaring people away on the street.

Why Everyone Around The World Knows What A #Selfie Is

The hashtag <a href='/analytics/Selfie'>#selfie</a> has been trending steadily for several months -- and for very good reasons. A "selfie" refers to a photo of yourself usually taken with a mobile device or smart phone then posting it immediately on a social media platform.

Hashtagging A Disaster ? The Pros And Cons

When talking about a natural disaster or tumultuous event on social media, how should you treat it?

What Does It Take for a Hashtag to Trend?

A successful hashtag has one ultimate definition -- it reached trending status.

How Knowing Tweet Numbers Can Help You

How does knowing how many people tweeted hashtag help your business?

#TheStruggle Trends As Twitter Gets Sentimental

Hashtag trend shows Twiter is a student's world.

NFL Fans Pay Tribute To Retiring Star With Tandem Hashtag

McNabb fans unite online to bid goodbye to retiring NFL star.

Hashtag Activity Can Confirm Societal Tension

In the digital age, hashtags are a solid way to raise political and societal awareness.

Social Media Uses Hashtag Against Disability Discrimination

The hashtag <a href="http://hashtags.org/analytics/heardwhilstdisabled">#heardwhilstdisabled</a> seeks to put a stop to thoughtless comments.

How to Have Successful Twitter Parties

What are the elements of a successful Twitter party?

Twitter Fans Attack NSA With Funny Hashtag

<a href="http://hashtags.org/analytics/NSAPickUpLines">#NSAPickUpLines</a> injects humor into NSA security issue.

#BadChildrensBooks Call Attention To Age INappropriate Reading

Are you sure your child is reading the right books?

#MTVHottest Draws Astounding Engagement Numbers

MTV UK uses hashtag to promote a show -- and succeeds dramatically.

#MileyAssSmallerThan What? When Bad Behavior Drives A Trend

Yes, controversy and bad girl attitude will make you trend bigtime.

How Engaged Are Katy Perry's Fans On Twitter?

Katy Perry's PR team turns to Twitter and lets fans decide what the popstar should release next.

#BetterBatmanThanBenAffleck Revolts Against Casting Decision

Why don't people want Ben Affleck to play the dark crusader?

Why #WordsThatOffendLiberals Is Trending

The long battle between conservatives and liberals reached another high by trending well on Twitter recently with the hashtag #WordsThatOffendLiberals.

Beyonce Hashtag Fans Share "Short" Stories

When Beyonce cuts her hair, a hashtag trends.

#SharkWeek 2013 Presents #Sharkpocalypse

Hashtag once again proves how powerful it can be on social media.

#KaplanExperience Hits 10k Mark, Proves Hashtag's Engagement Value

Kaplan's hashtag proves how positive marketing creates a positive brand and better engagement.

#RoyalBaby Hashtag Unites The Online World

How to create a hashtag that unifies the Twitterverse? Make it about a would-be king.

#HipHopEd: From a Simple Conversation to a Worldwide Movement

Why #HipHopEd is trending and why you should read it.

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