Hashtags are currently used by both big and small businesses to garner more followers and customers as well as immediately improve their standing in the industry.
There are several advantages that come with hashtags which will push your company to new heights. However, some companies had to deal with horror hashtag experiences after these invited the exact opposite impressions of what they envisioned.
1. #McDStories
The McDonald?s hashtag is probably the most classic example of how hashtag hijacking can turn your marketing scheme into a complete nightmare. The hashtag #McDStories was created with the intention of bringing in loyal customers of the most famous fast food chain in the world to share their great moments at the restaurant. #McDStories was supposed to promote the widely popular Happy Meal. Instead, people started to hijack the conversation by talking about their worst experiences in the restaurant and posting all the negative feedback that they could imagine. McDonald?s immediately removed the hashtag upon discovering the damage.2. #Susanalbumparty
British singer Susan Boyle?s marketing team decided to rely on social media to spread publicity regarding her latest album. However, they only noticed the odd construction of the hashtag after it was posted. Within a few hours, the conversation was filled with jokes and offensive tweets from online users. They immediately removed the hashtag and apologized for the wrong misinterpretation.3. #Withheartlocal
Gloria Jeans created the hashtag to hopefully let others know about its community efforts and advocacies. However, online trolls found an opportunity to darken the caf??s reputation by sharing that the business is homophobic and should not be supported. Many complained about the bad-tasting coffee and discouraged others from patronizing the caf?. Gloria Jeans immediately removed the hashtag upon realizing the hijacking experience.4. #Frankenstorm
Urban Outfitters tweeted that regardless of how the terrible storm may be blowing in some parts of the United States, their delivery service remains impeccable. People saw it as a sign of insensitivity and began attacking the company. The company apologized for its posts. The lesson here is how businesses should never take calamities lightly.